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This Plugin from the makers of ClearTheWayV comes as a whole new immersion into the game bridging real life police dispatch and LSPDFR dispatch closer together

anyone who has ever listened to police dispatch radio knows the priority marker tone that this mod uses to make it more realistic including voice over's played over LSPDFR's dispatch radio saying "Attention All Units 10-33 Traffic" and after the "coast" is "clear" dispatch comes back over the LSPDFR radio and says "Attention All Units 10-66 10-33 Traffic" This mod makes playing LSPDFR like never before! since it activates itself when you start a LSPDFR callout or a LSPDFR pursuit making it more realistic by playing the priority marker tone every few seconds just like in real life making this the most "realistic" as you can get inside LSPDFR mod must have!


New Showcase video:



What's New in Version 1.0.2-patch2

See changelog


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