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This Script has not been recompiled to work against latest ragepluginhook versions since 2016, it may or may not work with latest rph versions.

Use at your own risk until a update is published!

1 Screenshot

This is a mod that allows you to stop pursuits early and it uses the latest rage plugin hook and here are the keybindings: 
Changelog from my mods site: 
About This File 
MAJOR FIX: Fixed the issue with deploying strips during traffic stop when running name on computer 

The Keybindings are: 

I - Deploy fourway stop sticks for avenues only 

T - Deploy twoway stop sticks for two lane roads only

Delete Key - Delete the stop sticks that have been spawned(will work with both two way and fourway functions) 

And also if you have my stopstickv(made with scripthookdotnet) installed please remove it as it will conflict with this mod considering they both use the same keybindings 

Added Keybindings into ini file 

Please follow the format of how to enter new key bindings: 


^ that should show the keybindings available to map to. 

Make sure though when entering it into the ini you put for example U Put U like it shows otherwise the script will be confused and won't know which key you mean :) 

Fixed upload without the ini file as the script would automatically create the ini file on first run with the default controls but I just included it just for convenience 

Fixed issue with not covering lanes on bridges, etc. 

Please note with this new spawning system rewrite you may get a lot of spikes spawned or the prefect amount spawned whichever the case they both work but am still investigating the new spawning system code to verify why it spawns a lot of spikes sometimes and then spawns them right other times. 

A video will follow this release as I have to get fraps working first(there is a couple of updates on youtube but nowhere near showing the massive changes fixes etc that went into this version from that version shown.) 
also for added fun the top speed of the player's current vehicle is 200mph(because lets admit it all the stock cars are sluggish and this is supposed to fix it) -- this adds into the stopstick functionality to allow you to keep up with the suspects.



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